Meet the team

With an idea over a decade ago of building an IT company whose sole focus was based around supporting the healthcare industry, Jeremy Forrester was told it wasn’t his finest! With a team that now expands the length of our CBD office supporting hundreds of healthcare workers and their IT requirements, it looks like they may have been wrong.

Over the past decade, the IT4GP & IT4Dental support team has grown to be one of the biggest in Victoria with 100s of happy clients all supported by a team who live and breathe the healthcare IT marketplace, with a fun bunch of mixed backgrounds we have learned who can tinker with long term software issues, to who is the best fit for cabling plans! We even know who makes the best coffee, and with a knowledge base combined reaching nearly 60 years, we have a team member that’s right for almost any challenge.

Since our inception in 2010, we have broadened our knowledge base of products and solutions, which we have tried and tested, in short, “If we deploy it in your clinic, we know it works”. And with an ever-changing landscape of what we know and love as the world of healthcare, we are always encouraging our team to take on further knowledge bases and training.

With all of our highs and lows, we all know that as a team combined, we have your business covered.

They’ve Grown A little…….

Jeremy Forrester

CEO & Tech Wizard

Corrina Andrews

Health Technology Innovation Manager / Project Coordinator

Amy Renwick

Product Pacifist & Hardwear Chief

Angelo Mercieca

Team Leader & Firewall Fanatic

Prakash Ngakhusi

The Calm One & Solution Seeker

Andrew Patrick

Security Savior & Phone Genius

Lee Andrews

Business Development Manager

Poojan Soni

The Practical One

Andy Verhoef

The Network Ninja

Faisal Mangat

Head Web Warrior

Kannan Selvaraj

Web Warrior & SEO Savior

Our New Tech

Come Join Us

What we do

World-Class Healthcare IT
Expert Solutions
Obsess over details
Value relationships
Make things, break things
Support without compromise
Exceed expectations
Celebrate success

What we don’t

Work late / weekends (Well, we do a little)
Resist cake
Sacrifice quality for profit
Lose on the office pool table
Work for free
Impossible deadlines